It's Sexy To Feel Good In The Skin You're In!


It is so easy to be in resistance, to ourselves, our life circumstances, to change. Resistance can create suffering in some form or another, and suffering tends to keep us stuck and our vision narrow, until we allow it to be the thing that liberates us. An article I read several years back on Sakara Life’s blog in which Amanda Chantal Bacon, the creator of MoonJuice, was interviewed, completely shifted my perspective in regards to the suffering I was experiencing during that time. Over the course of years, I’d become increasingly allergic to food. Headaches, chronic sinus infections, digestive upset that lasted for days, anxiety, joint pain, extreme fatigue, and depression were all side effects of simply eating. It’s quite the predicament to find yourself in, to be honest. You need to eat, to survive, but what do you do when eating has also become this fraught, fearful enterprise? I’d try to convince myself that by thinking positively, I could change my body’s reaction to food. Unfortunately, that was not the case. In defiance and frustration, I’d continue to eat things that made me sick, thinking, “Maybe this time it’ll be different.”

This is where Amanda’s words come in, one day, I was contemplating a juice fast, because I didn’t know a different model of operating besides, indulge in offending, illness inducing foods, or swing to the opposite extreme and live off of green juice; neither of these options presented a real solution. In the article, she, a fellow Hashimoto’s sufferer, said in regards to her autoimmune disease, “Hey if this is the situation, how do I make this situation delicious, fun, sexy and decadent?” Whoa! Sexy….Fun?! “Sexy and Fun,” are the words that caught my attention more than delicious or decadent. They offered a new way of seeing what I perceived to be a seriously limiting, painful prison of food purgatory. In that moment I realized that eating things, in my case, mostly plants, that make me feel really good, can be liberating and joyful and creative. Embodying that creativity and positivity could even make me feel sexy, and that made me excited. Because who doesn’t want to feel fun, full of vitality, happy and sexy?

No journey ever presents a straight path, it’s often winding and full of bumps along the way, but to be able to make choices that generally set you up to reach the destination you are seeking to arrive at is, in my opinion, grace. So here is to listening to your body, to your heart, to your dreams and desires and making choices that support you in living a life that you feel good in.

Lots of Love. xo

The Banana Nice Cream I’ve pictured here is made from:

-2 Frozen Bananas

-1 Tsp of Spirulina

1/4 cup of Native Forest’s Simple Organic Coconut Milk (No guar gum)

-1 Tsp Cinnamon

Blend all ingredients and let them nourish you and give you an extra skip in your step today :)

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