About Me


Hi! My name is Kaitlyn and I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach and a 200 hr Certified Yoga Instructor. My journey towards becoming more fully embodied, has it roots in my struggles with autoimmune disease, body image issues, and acne.

At the age of 15, I began to experience digestive disturbances that progressed into 15 years of chronic illness manifesting as Hashimoto’s and cystic acne. I remember feeling completely out of control and unsafe in my body. I felt betrayed and didn’t possess the belief that I had any power over my circumstances despite the fact that I tried to manage my long list of symptoms through healing diets, various supplements, and holistic healers.

After years of trying to heal, I hit a wall. I had been at war with myself and knew I had to surrender. I could no longer reject, invalidate, or betray myself. This meant learning to be with my pain, while extending compassion and kindness to myself. It meant accepting myself fully even if my autoimmunity and skin never healed.

From this place of surrender, I began the deep work of getting to truly know myself. I began to see the ways, perfectionism, people pleasing and co-dependence were running the show.

I saw how my identity had become that of someone who felt victimized, sick and stuck, and knew that to be able to truly heal and flourish in my life, I would have to begin to examine the false narratives and limiting beliefs that were manifesting in feelings of powerlessness, and then do the work to rewrite them.

Doing this deep work, gave me clarity about my values, desires and dreams. As a result my identity as someone who was sick and stuck lost it’s foothold making way for my True Self to assert her value and worth in the world. Acne and autoimmunity no longer had their place.

When we have true intimacy with ourselves, we begin to make choices that are honoring and aligned with who we uniquely are. Old, false identities get uprooted and we begin to feel at ease in our bodies, minds and spirits. We choose foods, relationships, jobs, environments and hobbies that allow us to thrive and more fully inhabit our wholeness.

This is the work I do with my clients. I help them to create a strong foundation of physical, mental and emotional health so that they can trust themselves, become embodied and live lives they love.

If you see yourself reflected in my story, just know that you can heal your life. Your body, mind, and heart are resilient and are doing their best to serve and protect you. When we begin to support them holistically radical change takes place. It would be my honor to walk alongside you in your journey to unlock health and well being in all areas of your life.