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What's Controlling You?

Let’s talk about control. Control can be subtle. Control can have the facade of something good. And, in many instances it serves an important purpose. Usually the way we try to exert control in our lives is born out of a need to create a sense of safety. For me control has expressed itself in my life as orthorexia and people pleasing. I would regularly think, “I’m eating as clean as possible out of necessity, in order to manage my Hashimoto’s.” Or, “I’m saying yes to people and things that, if I’m honest, I don’t want to say yes to, but hey, I’m adaptable and don’t want to offend anyone.” At some point I realized that the very things I was doing in order to try to feel safe were actually creating more stress and dysfunction in my life. Being too rigid with my food, ended up creating a great deal of fear around food. People pleasing resulted in living a life that I didn’t feel like I actually wanted and left me wondering why I always felt stuck.

That’s the thing with control, the things we are trying to control, usually end up controlling us. So what do we do? A great place to start is to ask yourself, “How do I want to feel? How do I want to feel in my relationships, in my career, in my home? How do I want to feel when I’m expressing myself creatively?” Instead of living from a place of fear, which is a great breeding ground for control, we can tap into our personal power and agency and decide what we want to create. We get to move from fear, managing ourselves and others, to creation and joy. How cool is that?!

I’d love for you to let me know the things you are excited about creating in your life!

Sending love. xo
