Changing Your Mind Changes Everything

You must change your mind to change your heart. 

Several years ago before being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I went to see a Medical Intuitive.  She had intuited my friend had thyroid cancer, and in fact he went to the doctor and her diagnosis was confirmed.  I had a boyfriend at the time that thought the whole thing was ridiculous, but I had faith that maybe she could help me understand why I wasn’t well.  The night before going to see her I had a dream in which she told me that a large part of what was going on in my body was originating in my mind.  When I went to see her the next day, she told me exactly that.  At the time, I didn’t fully grasp the significance and importance of the message.  To me it seemed that something foreign or external was causing my health issues, not something internal.  

As I’ve learned more about the interconnectedness of our minds, bodies and spirits over the last several years, I came to recognize that my mind was a minefield of cruel accusations and deep judgement towards my body.  Healing cannot take place in a being that is at odds with itself.  Our thoughts frame our reality, influence our belief systems and inform our actions.  I truly believe that we must change our minds about ourselves to change our hearts and our bodies.  That is where real healing begins.

May we experience, more peace, more compassion, more love, more faith as we seek to heal not only our own selves, but the world.  We’ve got this. xo

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