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What Acne Taught Me About My Relationship To Myself

Our relationship to our bodies affects everything in our lives.  It affects our confidence, our relationships, our physical and mental health, what we spend our time and money on, and what we say yes and no to.   

I learned this first hand as a result of suffering with acne for almost 10 years. This wasn’t during my teenage years either, it started to pop up in my early 20’s and became a chronic condition.  I tried EVERYTHING to heal my skin.  I attempted to be a raw vegan along with any other diet that promised a result, took every supplement I believed would heal me, and drank green juice with abandon.  I went to acupuncture, energy healers, naturopaths, chiropractors, aestheticians and dermatologists. I read endless articles and blog posts about healing acne online.  I popped pimples and scoured the mirror for every imperfection.  

My skin seemed to be especially reactive when I’d eat certain foods - the problem was my diet was so clean, I didn’t know which foods those were.  As a result, my already complicated relationship to food became more fraught with fear and rules and control and obsession.  I didn’t know what I was doing wrong - I felt it had to be something - that if I were “perfect” this wouldn’t be happening to me. 

With acne, my already fragile self-esteem took a major hit and I dealt with deep shame. I didn’t pursue opportunities, jobs, relationships, and friendships, because I didn’t feel worthy of those things with pimples on my face. I told myself that once I “fixed” my skin I’d be able to really start living. I had no idea that I would struggle with acne for the majority of my 20’s and into the first few years of my 30’s. As a result, I feel like I forfeited truly living my life during those years, which has been something I’ve had to grieve and also forgive myself for, while learning to accept that I did the best I knew how to do at the time.

Today I can gratefully tell you that I’ve healed my skin.  It took an enormous amount of perseverance and lots of trial and error.  I shed endless amounts of tears and experienced the pain of deep self loathing.  In my pursuit of healing I discovered the Medical Medium whose protocols helped tremendously.  I started using oils to clean and moisturize with after learning that our skin has it’s own microbiome, and harsh cleansing disrupts it’s delicate balance.  I took eggs, almonds, canola oil, refined sugar and soy out of my diet along with already being gluten, and dairy free.  Most importantly though, I began to heal my relationship to myself.  I began to believe that I was worth loving, that I was worth seeing, that I too have a place at the table.  

If you are struggling to love the skin you are in in any way, whether that be the skin on your face, or your body, know that the most vital relationship you have is with yourself, and by cultivating a relationship that is loving, curious, supportive and accepting, healing can begin.  

If you need a guide on your path, please get in touch.  I would love to assist and support you!  

Sending all my love.  xo