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You Don't Have to Fix or Change One Thing About Yourself

My autoimmune journey started when I was a teenager, although I would go undiagnosed for 15 years. By the time I was 30, I’d run the gamut of healing modalities, practitioners and diets. I was always in the mindset that if I could just find the right diet or the right form of healing, it would solve all of my problems. But years into my journey and no concrete answers or real progress with my health, I felt beyond defeated. Healing seemed to always be just beyond my reach.

I’m stubborn so I kept going. Kept trying. Kept working at it. And thankfully, I did find answers. I now know what to eat and how to care for myself in order to maintain my health. But somewhere along the way, I adopted the belief, or perhaps simply perpetuated an already ingrained belief that I adopted early on, that I had to fix or change myself in order to be enough. I had to be different in order to be worthy of love. I had to fix what was broken so I could prove my worth.

Ironically now, from this vantage point after recognizing how deeply the subconscious beliefs we hold about ourselves inform our reality, I wonder what came first. Was it the belief that was then maintained and reinforced through illness or was it the illness that perpetuated and reinforced the belief?

Maybe it was both.

The point is, that going on a journey of healing is a beautiful and brave thing, but there does come a point when we have to be honest and ask ourselves, “Despite the healing I’ve experienced, do I still feel I need to fix or change myself in order to be loved or in order to have what I deeply desire to have in my life?”

Regardless of where you are in your life, I want to encourage you to start affirming over yourself, “I don’t need to fix or change one thing about myself in order to be loved. I can have what I deeply desire to have in my life without needing to fix or change one thing about myself.”

Until we believe that we are truly worthy and deserving of having health, beautiful relationships, fulfilling work, the money we need to support our dreams and desires, and a sense of purpose, we will continue working on ourselves potentially keeping ourselves from being able to receive all the good that might want to come our way now.

You are worthy just as you are. You are deserving just as you are. You are enough just as you are.

Sending you all my love and true healing,
