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Food Intolerance and Receiving the Nickname "Yam Girl!"

A few summers ago, I spent a week on a houseboat with a group of friends at Lake Powell.  It was amazing to see the incredible rock formations on either side of the Lake, to jet ski, sunbathe, swim, cliff jump and have dance parties at night on the top deck, but the one thing that stands out for me more than any other, is that I became known amongst my friends as “yam girl!”  Since, I have so many food intolerances as a result of my autoimmune thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s, my diet is seen by many as being somewhat odd to say the least!  Being on a boat without access to grocery stores for an entire week meant that I had to be extra prepared, so what did I do?!  I brought at least 10 yams - that meant I could have one a day, if not more.  I was on a real yam kick at the time, so it worked in my favor.  I loved the taste, they filled me up, were inexpensive and I knew I’d be getting some good nutrition.  I brought other fruits, vegetables, cashew butter, sardines, canned coconut milk, rice, and rice crackers, as well so I had some variety, but I was constantly made fun of for seemingly always having a yam cooking in the oven! 

Being “Yam Girl”, will always be a good memory, but I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that dealing with food intolerance with autoimmune disease is a challenge.   I’ve learned how to navigate the ins and outs of living with a restricted diet, but there are times when it feels overwhelming and stressful.  I always have to be prepared with food on hand that will not cause symptoms, and there have been many times where eating out at restaurants or going to friends houses for dinner has triggered feelings of shame, and a deep need to feel in control.  I simultaneously worry about offending those who only want to accommodate me.  

With that said, I have learned that being prepared is key to taking care of myself and limiting my stress in these situations.  

If you are struggling with food intolerance, I feel you!  It is okay:

1.)  For you to eat ahead of time before going out

2.)  To bring food with you that you know will satiate, energize and nourish you

3.)  To explain your situation without feeling shame or the need to apologize

4.)  To educate those you are close to and even expose them to the benefits of eating clean foods

I’d love to hear in the comments if you currently have food intolerance issues and how you have navigated them.  Feel free to reach out and schedule a free 20 minute exploratory call with me if you need more guidance in this area!  

Sending all my love!  xoxo